Ignacio Gianelli
Ignacio Gianelli is a Ph.D. student and Research Collaborator at the EqualSea Lab (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) in Galicia, Spain. During his Ph.D., Ignacio is exploring, promoting, and communicating transformative pathways for small-scale fisheries. He aims to co-create transformative spaces in which to envision plural, possible and desirable futures for small-scale fisheries. To do so, Ignacio’s research involves epistemological agility, transdisciplinary networking, and various tools and approaches (e.g. art-based methods, filmmaking) to promote sustainability transformations.
Born and raised in Uruguay, Ignacio’s project (Pescando Transformaciones in Spanish) seeks to engage innovative initiatives in the food system linked to local small-scale fisheries to build a platform for promoting the exchange of experiences, knowledge and visions of the future, while disseminating existing positive changes through communication pieces for broad audiences.
Ignacio closely collaborates with researchers from the South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies, Uruguay.
His current work is to:
1) Organize transdisciplinary workshops with fishers, chefs, researchers, and artists to co-create visions of desirable futures for small-scale fisheries.
2) Edit and publish a catalog to enhance public visibility and social recognition of seeds of change in local small-scale fisheries.
3) Produce a documentary (Fishing Transformations) that integrates personal stories of transformations with the process of co-creating visions in a collaborative space. The documentary was funded by the Future Earth Pathways Communication Grant.
4) Organize participatory events to launch the short film and thus broaden the scope, audience, and societal impact.
5) Visiting TV and Radio Shows to inform about the social-ecological role of small-scale fisheries and promote the Fishing Transformation project and its communication pieces.
6) See his key publications here
Ignacio’s Call to Action for the Transformations Community:
Whether you are a PhD student or an early career researcher in Sustainability Science, leverage your agency, energy, networking skills, and time to create from scratch or engage in transdisciplinary collaborations. Go beyond academic papers as the end result of your work. As researchers, we are much more than knowledge holders: we are also agents of change. I would appreciate it if you could disseminate my documentary about sustainability transformations in small-scale fisheries in Uruguay ➡️