Dr. Blane Harvey
Blane is also a Research Associate at the International Institute for Sustainable Development (Canada) where he supports learning processes for countries in the global South who are developing plans to adapt to the impacts of climate change. He is Associate Editor for Climate and Development journal.
Blanes’s Call to Action for the Transformations Community:
Transformations 2023 is a bold experiment with hybrid, multi-sited conferencing. As we think about what the future holds for low-carbon, high-impact convening on sustainability transformations, I would love to hear participants’ experiences of these formats and their suggestions on how we can continue to innovate.
His current work is:
Studying the ways our shift to online and hybrid conferencing may be having positive and negative consequences on knowledge exchange and knowledge co-production.
Working with grassroots organizations to use podcasting and storytelling as ways of documenting their social change work on climate and environment.
Developing new approaches to supporting early-career scholars to produce socially impactful climate and sustainability research.