Chris Riedy
Chris Riedy is a Professor of Sustainability Transformations and the Associate Director of Learning and Development at the Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney. He is a transdisciplinary action researcher, focusing primarily on energy transitions.
Chris served as Co-Chair of the Transformations Conference 2023 and is an Advisor to the Transformations Community.
He is on the Editorial Boards of Futures and the Global Social Challenges Journal. He has led over 90 research projects, including those on energy foresight, narrative transformation, and urban megatrends. His current focus is on developing new learning opportunities to build capacity for sustainable futures.
His recent work includes a series of papers exploring ways to transform narratives to support sustainable, just and regenerative futures:
📘 Riedy, C., & Waddock, S. (2022). Imagining transformation: Change agent narratives of sustainable futures. Futures, 142.
📙 Riedy, C. (2022). Discursive entrepreneurship: Ethical meaning-making as a transformative practice for sustainable futures. Sustainability Science, 17(2).
📗 Riedy, C. (2020). Discourse coalitions for sustainability transformations: Common ground and conflict beyond neoliberalism. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 45, 100-112.
Chris’s Call to Action for the Transformations Community:
I’m keen to host an ongoing conversation in the Transformations Community on transformative pathways. In my work on narratives, I’ve found that while it’s fairly easy for people to imagine a better future, it’s much harder for them to envision realistic pathways to get there. In the lead-up to the next Transformations Conference, I’d like to explore pathway narratives. If you’re interested in joining the discussion, please get in touch at