
The Weaving Lab has launched the #Whaif initiative.

Let us use this opportunity to take a pause and reimagine ourselves, our education system and our world. We have written a 3-part series (1,2,3) outlining our thoughts on what we believe we need to change. If these articles move you, we invite you to take a breath, a moment, a pause and imagine your own #WhatIf. And when you find it, flood the world with your message.

Let’s use the hashtag #WhatIf to share our message with the world. Share it with your family, peers, parents, teachers, educators, school leaders and hundreds of people in your network. You can write a blogpost, an open letter to a government official, an article, a Facebook post, a WhatsApp message, a tweet or anything else to share your message. Let’s use our collective power to take this message to the whole world and transform education for all our children.

Let’s Create this Global Movement!

To take part in the Latin American chapter of #WhatIf, visit https://ysi-latino.org/


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