Call for Proposals


March 29th, 2023: Submission deadline closed

“Exciting conference, cutting edge progressive research and researchers present, focus on the importance of emotions, values, art, personal transformations, empathy. Inspiring female leadership. Amazing!”

“This was by far the best conference I've ever been to in terms of networking opportunities.”

Theme: Transformative partnerships for a better world


We welcome proposals responding to the overall theme of transformations and transformative partnerships for a better world. The conference will focus on eight transformational sub-themes: Please indicate which themes relate to your proposal (up to 4).

Transformative policy, institutions and organizations

Transformative paradigms and practices

Transformative leadership

Transformative learning & knowledge practices

Transformative innovations

Evaluating & assessing transformation

Inner transformation & wellbeing

Just transformations

proposal submission types

T-Practice: Transformative practice sessions

Present an aspect of a practice that encourages significant change and relevant two way/multi-way knowledge exchange or co-production with the Transformations Community. Sessions will be up to 1.5 hours long and experiences could include demonstration of a tool, working method, process, game or an exercise. Formats may include non-academic sessions, networking, offers & needs marketplace, variations on world cafe etc. 

Proposals should include:

  • Abstract: an introduction and explanation of the practice & how it directly relates to transformations and to the conference themes. 200 words (max.)

  • The methodology for running the session (including a clear step-by-step guide as to how the session will be run). 500 words (max.)

  • Expected Outcomes. 250 words (max.)

  • Participation - ideal audience types and size (30 participants max in person), and how the session considers social inclusion. Explain how the workshop will enable participation beyond scholars and conference participants, for example by engaging practitioners, policy makers, communities and others. 250 words (max.)

  • Details of who is running the session, and the organisations/communities/networks they represent. 

Time should be allocated to reflect on the relevance of the practice on transformation and draw out key learnings for transformation.

Additional criteria for selection of T-Practice proposals:

  1. Is directly about some aspect of practice (e.g. an action facilitating significant change, rather than an explanation of the results of a research study), that has a strong rationale or is conceptually well founded

  2. Provides participants with some kind of ‘experience’ i.e. not primarily based on presentations

  3. Demonstrates a clear facilitation plan that will work for around 10-40 people in a 1.5-hour timeframe

TransAction: Pre-conference one-day transformation workshops

The Transformations Conference 2023 will be preceded by one-day workshops on 11th July 2023 (three to five workshops, 2-5 hrs in duration). The TransAction workshops provide spaces for innovative activity and dialogue to connect stakeholders who do not normally work together such as policy makers, businesspeople and artists. Insights from the TransAction workshops will be featured in the plenary on the first day of the conference and will help set the scene for discussions during the conference.

Proposals of 1,500 words (max.) should include:

  • Title of the workshop

  • Abstract (200 word max)

  • Intended audience and ideal number of workshop participants (30 participants max in person)

  • Introduction of the topic the workshop seeks to address/explore

  • Description of the activities and methodology 

  • Expected outcomes 

  • A description of the type of space and equipment required

  • Names, organisations & bios (max 100 words) and contact details of the workshop facilitators

    Additional criteria for selection of TransAction proposals:

  1. Design that promotes innovation and dialogue, networking and collaboration

  2. A workshop plan for enabling participation beyond scholars and conference participants, by engaging practitioners, policy makers, communities and others

  3. Likelihood of advancing academic thinking and/or practical or policy related outcomes

  4. Feasibility for a successful and impactful outcome

Oral Presentation

We encourage dialogue by keeping presentations short and leaving space for in-depth conversations. Sessions will start with each presenter speaking for seven minutes, focusing on key messages, ideas, or highlighting the most important findings from their research. The rest of the session is devoted to small-group conversations between the audience and presenters. 

Submissions for oral presentations should include a summary of 300 words (max), describing the presentation and its key contribution to transformation theory and/or practice.

We are open to receiving either the submission of individual abstracts or a coherent collection of abstracts (a maximum of five) that contribute to a full session - to be reviewed and presented together.

Poster presentations

Poster presentations provide a space for in-depth, one-on-one dialogues, enabling mutual learning. Poster submissions should include an abstract or summary of your proposal of 300 words (max) describing the contents of the poster and identifying its key contribution to transformation theory and/or practice. These can be delivered in person or asynchronously online.

Panel dialogues

60 or 90 minute sessions that stimulate in-depth discussion around a particular thematic focus. These sessions are proposed by an external session organizer/chair with pre-agreed speakers. Dialogue sessions should be conceived to maximize audience participation. Please describe in maximum 400 words the contents of the Panel Dialogue and identifying its key contribution to transformation theory and/or practice. Please also explain how it directly relates to the conference themes and how you would capture the outcomes.

Arts, Creative and wellbeing practices

We recognise that transformations require creative, inspiring, and restorative spaces and practices. 

Creative practices might include display of visual arts projects, film/documentary watch parties with discussion spaces, co-creation of artworks/creative practices. We will create a Conference Gallery to showcase digital content. 

Wellbeing practices include Spaces for embodied, creative, heart-opening exploration. These could be physical, mental, spiritual; movement-based, skill-sharing, game playing, mindfulness, authentic relating: self guided, collective or nature-based.

Submissions should include a summary of your proposal (300 words max) describing its contribution to transformation theory and/or practice. Any technical requirements should also be summarised. 

Additional criteria for selection: the extent to which the proposal contributes to the creation of a transformative space for conference participants.

Conference Format

Transformations Conference 2023 will be a hybrid, combining the main conference in Sydney, Australia with a concurrent regional hub conference in Prague and an online conference.

The on-site and online conference will be ‘loosely coupled’. The on-site conference will mainly take place between 9am and 5pm Sydney time (AEST) = 1am-9am CEST = 5pm-1am MDT. The first and last timeslots each day allow session hosts to connect with online participants from Africa, Europe and the Americas. There will be numerous sessions running concurrently at these times. The online conference will take over outside these hours to support participation across different time zones. We anticipate that some key sessions will be scheduled to maximise accessibility across different time zones and will be live streamed. All presentations will be available through our online platform for registered participants. We will also prepare summary digests each day.

Proposal Selection Criteria

Key criteria for selection will include the extent to which a proposal:

  1. Focuses on the themes of the conference and demonstrates transformative partnerships

  2. Directly relates to transformations and clearly states the transformation approach

  3. Explicitly links knowledge / knowledge generation with actions, impacts, and solutions 

  4. Demonstrates a transdisciplinary or multi-sectoral approach

  5. Considers participant engagement, before during and after the conference  

  6. Is clearly articulated, original, and well justified

We particularly welcome sessions that:

  • Consider equity, accessibility, and social inclusion concerns

  • Consider the inclusion of Indigenous and local knowledge in transformation processes

  • Are led by speakers from low and middle income countries or indigenous communities

  • Showcase examples or research that are internationally applicable/adaptable

  • Are two way/multi-way knowledge exchange or co-production experiences

  • Are original, creative or non-traditional in format 

Additional criteria for specific session types are listed above.

Process and dates

December 2022: Early bird registration opens

February 22nd 2023: Round 1 abstract and proposals submission deadline

March 20th 2023: Round 1 notification of outcome 

March 29th 2023: Round 2 abstracts and proposals submission deadline (if you want to join in-person and need to make travel/visa arrangements we recommend you submit earlier!) 

April 19th 2023: Round 2 notification of outcome

April 19th 2023: Early bird registration closes

We are planning for all session types to be offered both in person and virtually. We will accept online-focused AND in person proposals in either round. The first round is created in case you need a quicker acceptance to allow you to arrange visas / travel etc.

  • Please check your visa requirements and timelines immediately here!

  • We advise attendees to choose a 'Visit & Tourism Visa', selecting 'business visitor activities' or 'attending a conference or expo' or 'holiday' as the purpose. This gives options of an eVisa (free, 2 day processing time) or Visitor Visa (AUD 150, 34+ day processing time).

  • All proposals must be submitted through the online form. Please read more detailed instructions here.

  • In the online form you must indicate if your session is:

    • open or closed (Preference is given to open sessions. If closed session is desired, please provide rationale and details of the intended audience)

    • currently intended to be online, hybrid or in person

  • Include one image to inspire and represent your session (must be creative commons license or copyright approved. Detailing credit and license type in the file title if required) 

  • If you have any questions, please contact